Monday, November 21, 2011

Introducing your breastfed baby to the bottle or cup [2 ]

What do I do if my baby resists taking the bottle?

If your baby isn't having any of it, try these techniques:
  • Use a bottle nipple similar to her pacifier. If she sucks on a latex pacifier, use a latex bottle nipple rather than a silicone one, and vice versa. Heat the nipple with warm water to make it more appealing.
  • Put some breast milk on the nipple. When your baby tastes it she may start sucking to get more.
  • Let your baby play with the nipple so she can familiarize herself with it. If she just chews on it, let her. She may actually start sucking it soon.
  • Try holding her in a different position: Put her in an infant or car seat so she is semi-upright, and then feed her the bottle while facing her. Once she is used to taking a bottle, you can hold her as you usually would for feedings. One enterprising father put on his wife's bathrobe and tucked the bottle under his arm while holding the baby in a breastfeeding position. That won't work for you, but it might work for Dad!
Make sure you have lots of time to put your feet up and relax during this process. If she starts crying and pushes the bottle away, back off, comfort her, and then try again. The last thing you want is a bottle battle. If you've tried three times and she's refused three times, then call it a meal. Don't breastfeed her immediately. Wait five or 10 minutes, and do something else before you put her to the breast so she won't associate her refusal to bottle-feed with immediate gratification.

Many babies who have been getting bottles all along will suddenly decide at about 3 months that they don't want a bottle anymore, that they simply prefer breastfeeding. And why not? It's warm, cozy, sweet-smelling, and done with their favorite person — Mom. So early success isn't necessarily an ironclad guarantee that your baby will take the bottle when you really want her to.

What if I want to skip the bottle and start my baby out on a cup?

In some countries, babies who can't nurse are taught to drink from a cup from the get-go — even the tiniest infants can learn to do it. There are some advantages to this method: There's no chance of nipple confusion, you won't be tempted to prop your baby up with a bottle (sucking on a bottle at nap time or bedtime can lead to tooth decay), and you'll never have to break a bottle habit. Of course, helping your baby drink from a cup is time-consuming; unless you use a cup with a spill-proof top (commonly known as sippy cups) or a built-in straw, you'll have to help her drink and be prepared for the inevitable mess. Daycare providers may not be comfortable with this arrangement.

Many of the same principles of introducing your baby to a bottle hold true for the cup. Have your child get used to a cup at an early age (but not until breastfeeding has been well established), and introduce it gradually — one feeding a day. If you are going back to work, start a few weeks before you actually head off to the office; your child needs time to get used to this new feeding method.

Introducing your breastfed baby to the bottle or cup [1]

What's the best way to introduce my baby to a bottle?

Most lactation experts suggest you wait until your baby is 3 to 4 weeks old and breastfeeding is well established before introducing a bottle. If you're returning to work, start bottle-feeding at least two weeks before your start date so you can work out any glitches ahead of time. (You can get more information on such topics as sterilizing bottles and how often to bottle-feed in Bottle-feeding basics.)

Because sucking milk from a bottle requires different mouth and tongue movements than breastfeeding, it may take your baby a little time to get used to the change. Try these tips for a smooth transition:
  • Offer her a bottle a little earlier than her regular feeding time so she'll be hungry and interested, but not so hungry that she'll be frustrated by the cold nipple.
  • Let someone else feed her the first bottle.Your baby will be less confused if you don't give her the bottle yourself, since she may wonder why she's not getting your breast. Instead, ask someone who might feed her in your absence — your mother, your partner, a childcare provider, or another mother — to make the first introduction.
  • Try to be out of the house for this event; babies can smell their mother from a distance of at least 20 feet, and she may know that you (and your breasts) are around even if you're in another room.
Tory Winnick introduced her son Philip to the bottle when he was 3 weeks old. "I pumped and put my breast milk in a bottle so my husband, Mike, could experience feeding the baby," she remembers. "We had to try a few different nipples until we found one that most closely simulated the breast. It really made Mike feel great that he could feed the baby, too."

Bottle-feeding can be just as nurturing physically as breastfeeding if you cuddle the baby close. Some babies like to be held in a nursing position while drinking from a bottle; others find that position disconcerting. Ask whoever is offering your baby the bottle to experiment while maintaining eye contact with her, and give her a chance to get used to this new experience.

Some babies don't eat very much when mom isn't home, and if they are away from her all day may begin waking more frequently at night. Don't be surprised if this happens; treasure these quiet and intimate times and use them to reconnect with your baby.

source :

7-month-old's development: Week 1

Recognition skills

Your baby now actively engages in hiding games. Place one of his favorite toys on the floor and cover it with a napkin. Pull the napkin off and say, "There it is!" Cover it again and repeat.

For more fun, hide an object under something and wait for him to discover it. It's one of the easiest ways to keep your baby occupied!

Your baby can remember that the jack-in-the-box pops up at the end of the song — yet he'll still laugh every time. He's also able to recognize different tones and inflections and may burst into tears if you speak harshly.

Stimulating toys and games

Because he likes predictability, your baby enjoys playing the same game or reading the same book over and over. In addition to patty-cake, try adding classics such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "This Little Piggy" to your repertoire.

Sippy time

Your baby may have already started feeding himself finger foods, although this can begin as late as 10 months. Once he reaches this stage, you can introduce a sippy cup.

Try giving him a cup with a spout and two handles. If your baby's getting frustrated that he can't get more liquid out of the sippy cup, remove the valve in the top of the cup. If your baby's having trouble figuring out how to suck through the spout, take the lid off the sippy cup and let him first drink straight from the cup (show him how to tip it back so the drink flows into his mouth).

Switching your baby to a cup sooner rather than later might make it easier for him to give up the bottle. If you're breastfeeding, you can even bypass the bottle altogether and go straight to a cup.

Remember, your baby is an individual

All babies are unique and meet milestones at their own pace. Developmental guidelines simply show what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then soon. If your baby was premature, keep in mind that kids born early usually need a bit more time to meet their milestones. If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, ask your healthcare provider.

taken from

Saturday, November 12, 2011

membuka gembok simbah "write protected"

Senangnya hatiku, akhirnya my FD selamat dari simbah "Write protected" yang sekian lama memenjarakannya sampai diriku ga bisa melakukan ini itu, halah lebay............... :LOL

Ada yang mau tau caranya?

"klik link ini"
